Interesting Facts About Java || TechMoodly

Java : A general-purpose, high-level programming language. It is developed by Sun Micro systems. It was developed by a mini team of engineers which is known as the Green Team. They initiated this language in 1991.
Interesting Facts About Java

Here are some interesting facts about Java:

  1. The initial name of java was “Oak”. It was changed to Java by Sun’s marketing department changed it to “java” when they found that name was already registered for some computer company
Interesting Facts About Java

2. Java was made by an accident. Around 1992, James Gosling was working at the Sun Labs. He and his team at that time were building a set-top box and which is started by “cleaning up” the C++ and they all wound up with a new language called Java or Oak.

Interesting Facts About Java

3. Java is the second most popular language and is very popular among the developers.

Interesting Facts About Java4. Java is free from the concept of Pointer as adding pointers to Java language would compromise security and the robustness, making this language more complex.

Interesting Facts About Java
5. In Java, The meaning of Final keyword is not final. It has different meanings in java. It can be Final class, Final method, Final field or Final variable.

Interesting Facts About Java || TechMoodly
6. Java is used by 95% of the enterprises as their primary language. It is much more than C and the other languages.

Interesting Facts About Java || TechMoodly

7. In one year Java gets downloaded one billion times.

Interesting Facts About Java || TechMoodly
8. A Java developer’s median salary is $83, 975.00. It pays to be a Java developer.

Interesting Facts About Java || TechMoodly
9. Today, Java rationally runs on more than 1 billion as the Android operating system of Google uses Java APIs.

Interesting Facts About Java || TechMoodly
10. The main technology site of Sun is The name of Collaborative site which is run by Sun is A news site which is run by Sun is If you want to know about Java programs related news, just log on to the 

Interesting Facts About Java || TechMoodly

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